These are all photos taken by Wayne from two field trips I couldn’t attend this year: The sheep farm and the fire station. I will normally never miss anything when it comes to the kids’ stuff – but this year for these two field trips I had to work, and I didn’t feel AS bad because I took him last year on the same field trips.
Next week my little man is turning 5 years old; next week on his birthday will be his last preschool field trip to see helicopters. He only has four more weeks as a preschooler and it makes me happy and sad at the same time. Between Noah and Emma, I’ve had a preschooler for four consecutive years in a row now, and it’s going to be different not having to drop a child off there three times a week anymore.
I can’t recall who said this, but it goes a little something like, “….the minutes are long but the moments are short…” and I can’t help but think of how true those words are.
These minutes are definitely ones that I’m going to miss.
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