A couple of weekends ago I took the family up to the Northwest Children’s Theater in Portland to see Shrek the Musical. I occasionally contribute online as a reviewer for a local parent magazine and website, The PDX Kids Calendar, and they sent me to the show to check it out for their viewers.
We’ve been to the NWCT in the past and I’ve always enjoyed the performances that they put on, and Shrek was one that we all loved as well. The kids had fun and Wayne and I enjoyed it as well.
You can read my full review on the PDX Kids Calendar website HERE.
In other news, it’s been crazy busy around here! I have been trying to get my last minute holiday shopping finished (I know, SLACKER!) and being the slightly crazy woman that I am, have decided to create a second website dedicated solely to learning and creating appetizers, small bites, hors d’oeuvres, and party platters. For all of my ‘techy’ friends out there, I’m creating it on Wordpress.org which is completely different than the old school Blogger that I’ve been using for the past four years. Wordpress has been the way I have wanted to go for a long time, and eventually this website will be transferred over as well, so I thought it would be a great time to learn all about it. If you know nothing about websites just completely forget this whole paragraph. 🙂
We’ve got about 5 more busy days left around here, then all of the basketball, programs, work, and holiday parties will be over with and Christmas break will be here. I’m excited for two weeks of no schedules, sleeping in, holiday movies, and cookie baking.
No matter how busy things get, there’s always time to do things with family.
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1 comment
It's hard to have any complaints about this place. It's easy to get a drink since they actually keep enough bartenders working at once, and at venues in Los Angeles you'll almost always find a place to sit. I love the vibe, the area, the people and the food at this place.