When the kids were little, I didn’t really think twice about their education and schools. I pretty much figured that school’s were funded for and teachers + staff were paid to handle things – after all, I had a ton of stuff going on at work and home – and I was in charge of homework still.
But a couple of years ago, once the kids were no longer babies and all three began their education journey I got involved. I attended more events, field trips, and ultimately became involved with our parent-teacher group. I found out just a little bit more how some things work, and how there is literally no funding for things like art supplies, playground equipment, field trips, or outdoor school. Things that aren’t part of the traditional education experience, but still shape our children’s learning experience, memories, and ultimately our future.
You know that I am passionate about making memories daily and celebrating life – and one of the best ways to make memories is to do something positive in a child’s life. Children are our future, and I think it’s important to do whatever we can to invest in it.
Think back to your childhood. I’m sure there were times that weren’t so great, but what’s important are those moments that make you smile still. Maybe it was hitting your first home run, or showing an animal in the fair. Perhaps your favorite memories were sleepover at your friend’s house, or field trips in grade school.
Someone helped make those memories for you. Someone invested time or money to contribute to your life.
Comcast is a great company that also believes in giving back, and they’ve been giving back to Portland area schools for quite some time. In this last year Comcast has invested $4.5 million through Comcast Foundation grants and contributions, public service announcements, Comcast Newsmakers, appearances, scholarships, Cable in the Classroom programs, and the Beyond the School Walls mentoring program.
Some of the ways Comcast helps children:
Cable in the Classroom – Comcast donates more than a half a million worth of video and high-speed Internet services to over 700 SW Washington and Oregon schools.
Comcast Care Day – Is the largest single-day corporate volunteer initiative in the country. One day each year employees, family and friends volunteer thousands of hours to help assist with various projects at schools, parks, and non-profit organizations.
Comcast Leaders & Achievers – Since 2001, Comcast has recognized 21,000 students across the country and have given over 21 million in scholarships to high school seniors.
So how can you help invest in children’s future? There are many ways:
- Volunteer in a classroom
- Coach a youth sports team
- Assist with a school event
- Donate to a food bank
- Donate money to a local school (it’s a tax write off too)
- Read to kids
- Listen to them, and always encourage them
Invest in children – help them grow in some way. Believe me, it’s not always easy, but it definitely worth it.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Comcast. The opinions and text are all mine.