©Disney, Disney/Pixar characters ©Disney/Pixar
Hello my long-lost friends! This month has been a whirlwind of activities and commitments so I have been a little quieter around here – I promise that is going to be changing soon though. 🙂 Last month I mentioned that Disney on Ice World’s of Enchantment is coming to Portland, and now it’s just around the corner!
The kids and I always enjoy attended Disney on Ice events. I’ve mentioned before that we’ve never been to Disneyland or Disney World, so being able to go to a Disney performance is pretty exciting for everyone.
You really don’t need an excuse to go and grab your tickets to see Disney on Ice World’s of Enchantment, but just in case your are hesitant, here are three reasons why I think you need to go:
- The Skating Is Mezmorizing. The performers who bring to life the Disney characters are amazing! It is always wonderful for kids to have the opportunity to see experiences like thing with people doing things that they really love to do. I think it helps plant a seed for the children later on in life.
- It Is Something Fun Do To With The Whole Family. Often times there are events and activities that only part of the family can attend or enjoy, so when a family friendly event comes around it makes for a fun family night out together.
World’s of Enchantment will be in Portland, Oregon at the Moda Center for 4 days with 7 performances, and tickets are affordable for everyone, with prices starting at $23. These shows begin on time so make sure you arrive a little bit early so you can find your seat and get settled in.
October 20th 7:00 PM
October 21st 7:00 PM
October 22nd 11:30 AM, 3:30 PM, 7:00 PM
October 23rd 12:30 PM, 4:30 PM
We will be there on the opening night! Follow along on Twitter or Instagram!